Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nokia 2220s RM-590 Security Code

Tools Needed:
Jaf Box With P-key
UFC Cable #6

Connect ufc cable to Cellphone
Open Jaf
Click CHK
Click INFO
Check Factory Settings
Select Factory Set Full
Click Write
All done!

Getting MCU ID

MCU ID: 0x3168
FLASH ID0: 883C0020 <=> ST -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 11
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1B 23 10 03 40 C6 05 E4 01 20 A2 00 00
Checking RAM for ALGO...
Algo is ready...
Checking FAID calculation...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Phone Restarted...
MCU Flash file: NONE
PPM Flash file: NONE
CNT Flash file: NONE
ADSP Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
APE User Flash file: NONE
Switching to serial...
Powering the phone...
MCU SW version: V 09.55
(c) Nokia           
HW version: 1000
PCI version:
UEM version: 1328
UPP version: 12648
RFIC version: 0500
DSP version: ICPR72_09w46_U
LCD version: SUEZ
PPM version: V 09.55
(c) Nokia           
Content Pack version: Content: qc_graphi
V 09.55
(c) Nokia           

Production serial number: DPV509938
Product code: 0590621
Module code: 0204340
Basic production code: 0582851
Flash code:
Order number:
Product specific data:
Long production SN: 0
Default SN type:
IMEI plain: 3515480-------
IMEI spare to net: 3A 15 45 08 54 82 66 03
IMEI SV to net: 33 15 45 08 54 82 66 53 F2
Master Code: 2361114640
Phone type: RM-590, Software version: 09.55, Language Pack: QC
User code: 12345

Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN

Searching for saved ini...
Checking for file C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\JAF_RM-590.ini
Saved INI not found, loading INI list...
Setting local mode...
Reading product code...
Product Code: 0590621
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-590\

Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-590\
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-590\
No ini files found...
MCU Flash file: NONE
PPM Flash file: NONE
CNT Flash file: NONE
ADSP Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
APE User Flash file: NONE

Setting test mode...
Operation took 0 minutes 4 seconds...

All Done!

thanks for viewing.