status: dead boot
1. disassemble the phone, solder the pinout (pinout is povided by the box)
2. connect riffbox, open the jtag manager, connect the service cable to the box, connect usb cable, insert battery
3. select the correct model, go to resurrection resurrection button to revive the phone
screenshot on the resurrection process....resurrection complete
reassemble the phone, turn on the phone normally but it sad to say still still pondering and try to figure out what is the problem...
then i tried to put the phone into download mode status, and i am quite lucky in doing it
open Odin3 v1.85.exe, Check these options: Re-Partition, Auto Reboot, and F. Reset Time. select pit file (Q1_20110914_16GB.pit) so i decided not to include the pda, phone and csc file...connect start...
after writing the pit file, the unit was restarted and turns on normally, but i cannot check the menu because it has have two options: do a hard reset or full*flashing with pda, phone and csc file (u have to flash in odin also, uncheck the repartition, click start) in my case, i did a hard reset to make it easier
hard reset: volume up + home button+ wipe data/factory reset, to exit the reboot system now...
finished product
how did u solder such a micro stuff?