Sunday, January 22, 2012

Samsung e2222 Stuck in Samsung Logo, Done via Flashing with z3x

Samsung e2222


stuck in samsung logo


z3x samsung activated
5310 micro cable


1. open shell z3x
2. type e2222 tick run
3. set com port {designated port]
4. add flash files {PTT_TABLE, TFS and CSC}

flash file links : Click Mo Ako

5. click firmware
6. press "volume down" + "lock" and connect USB cable to phone
7. wait until finish

HTML Code:
Selected model: E2222
Selected com port: COM9
Selected speed port: 921600
Press "volume down" + "lock" and connect USB cable to phone
Connect to control pipe... OK
Processor ID -> 0A34
Sending loader... OK
Connect to control pipe... OK
Connect to write pipe... OK
Connect to read pipe... OK
Sending part LCDACT:
Erasing... OK
Sending... OK
Sending part MAIN:
Erasing... OK
Sending... OK
Sending part DSP:
Erasing... OK
Sending... OK
Sending part ROOT:
Erasing... OK
Sending... OK
Sending boot sector:
Erasing... OK
Sending... OK
Sending TFS... OK
Sending CSC... OK
Download - ok
Elapsed time: 589 second, sw ver: 3.5.0030


  1. sir in this phone where is the volume button and lock key? how to put download or boot mode to this phone? my phone getting this error.

    Selected model: E2222
    Selected com port: COM3
    Selected speed port: 921600
    Press "volume down" + "lock" and connect USB cable to phone
    Connect to control pipe... FAIL
    Send loaders - fail
    Elapsed time: 34 second, sw ver: 3.5.0032

  2. usb doesnt even connect thru pc...
