Sunday, December 18, 2011

Motorola V3xxr AT&T lock / Stuck on Logo Done via Radiocomm & OUS

Motorola V3xxR AT&T

Logo only at galing sa ibang Shop,Pag info ko sa smartclip v3xxr pala ang model,open ko ang unit,naku po... tinest point pa...

So here is what i do..

* Download : RADIOCOMM v.11.11.11

* Install necessary drivers for motorola to avoid errors.

Here's the Procedure

1.) open radiocomm and connect the phone to pc, wait untill phone gets connected or until drivers are fully installed, press "Get imei" in radiocomm if imei appears in the screen then it is now ready to go.If not,check the necessary drivers asking again.

2.) press "Gm3" tab and look for "sbsdy_lck" and select "Get status" and hit "Execute". If the phone turns to "01" then it means that your phone is locked

3.) now select "Check if valid" and enter the 16 digits code from server/OUS .Then hit "Execute". A process runs just for about 2-3 secs and its all done and successful.

As what you see in the illustration.

There's an oblique mark and line,this is to verify weather the phone is connected in the you can see the red circle mark on the upper right side,it should be green to proceed and connect to radiocomm.if it's still red,that means the phone is not connected. then proceed to the procedure as follows.

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